





jaysnote:linux_c_app_development [2018/11/12 16:57]
jaysnote:linux_c_app_development [2021/06/22 23:14]
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-# 使用VS2017 开发Linux C应用 
-* [Visual C++ for Linux Development](https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/vcblog/2016/03/30/visual-c-for-linux-development/) 
-* 依赖环境 
-  ``` 
-  sudo apt-get install zip openssh-server g++ gdb gdbserver 
-  ``` 
-### include 
-在工程添加了路径添加了.h 文件,尽管在include 时候VS2017已经能够自动补全,但是编译的时候还是提示找不到.h文件。 
-在编译机器发现对应的.h 并没有直接拷贝过来。 
-原来同以前的直接include 搜索不一样,.h 同样需要加入工程里面,不然VS不知道拷贝那些文件。 
-**13:46 2018/6/29** 
-对于系统/usr/include 路径下*.h 文件,VS2017 不知道是什么时候拷贝到到Windows的,每次添加新机器后会报错。 
-`C:\Users\Mdp-Jay\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Linux\Header Cache\1.0` 路径下文件夹为空。 
-测试发现原来此过程发生在选项->跨平台->连接管理器->远程标头 IntelliSense 管理器,会自动打包Linux 编译机器上面的`/usr/include`然后到Windows 解压。 
-### lib 
-## TroubleShooting 
-### Unexpected GDB output from command 
-Unable to start debugging. Unexpected GDB output from command "-interpreter-exec console "target remote localhost:63442"". Remote connection closed 
-确定了Linux GDBServer版本 
-root@mxj-zbcs-310:/home/pi# gdbserver --version 
-GNU gdbserver (Debian 7.7.1+dfsg-5) 7.7.1 
-Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 
-gdbserver is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License. 
-This gdbserver was configured as "aarch64-linux-gnu" 
-大概明白了流程,暂时地,VS2017 还不支持`arm64`架构,通过ssh获取调试的架构的(`uname -m`)时候得到`aarch64`显示`Unkown`。VSlinux的[Issues](https://github.com/Microsoft/VSLinux/issues)详细讨论这个问题。同时微软承诺在15.8 prevew1版本会解决此问题,增加`ARM64`支持,同时增加选项是能到架构检测。 
-Ah I see, we made a fix for that, and are working on adding ARM64 support, in addition to a way of disabling the architecture check. 
-### Cannot insert breakpoint -1. 
-Cannot insert breakpoint -1. 
-Cannot access memory at address 0x530 
-### Could not find the 'zip' archiver 
-生了错误。Could not find the 'zip' archiver, please install it using your system package manager.。请参阅 C:\Users\Mdp-Jay\AppData\Local\Temp\vslinux_header_update_log.txt 了解详细信 
-需要在调试设备上面安装zip(`sudo apt-get install zip`) 
-###  Operation not permitted 
-&"warning: GDB: Failed to set controlling terminal: Operation not permitted\n" 
-看起来在通过SSH 和GDServer不能直接操作设备。 
-### Microsoft.Build.Linux.Shared.ExceptionTTY 
-最后确定和TERM 类型有关系,更改了`.bashrc`。 
jaysnote/linux_c_app_development.txt · 最后更改: 2021/06/22 23:14 (外部编辑)