# 一些笔记 三十而立,记性大不如从前,这里整理和记录一些技术笔记,以备不时之需。 ## linux - shell command - bashrc notes - man bash redirection - htpdate - systemd - logrotate - log4c - apt-get - 使用vs2017 开发linux c应用 - memtester - Windows Subsystem for Linux - a64 kernel 编译 - 跨平台制作更新debian rootfs - vl42 - Overview of the V4L2 driver framework - alllwinner a64 v4l2驱动框架数据链路走读 - doker 操作 - 初次安装 ubuntu - supervisor not start ## driver - Platform Devices and Drivers - gpio-libc - gpio interfaces - allwinner a64 gpio interrupt init failed - mipi - vp9 decoder cpu summary - debian8 power on animation - ramfs、initrd - initrd notes - debian ramfs - Kernel Documentation/initrd.txt - Kernel Documentation/filesystems/ramfs-rootfs-initramfs.txt - android boot image - allwinner a64 sdk pack tool - hi3798cv200 安卓编译 - flash、分区、文件系统认识 - platform devices and drivers - linux cooling device ## display - X - LightDM Design - chromium is‘t full screen ## tools - beyond compare 使用记录 - redis operation ## others - zigbee & ble mesh light bulb - 理解json 数据类型 - android studio 初次安装 - 使用unify 交换机镜像端口抓包 - 使用ubiqua ZigBee抓包 * zigbee end-device 设备脱离网络离线 * cc2530 存储架构 * stm32cubemx 使用 * stm32cube programmer * openvpn * markdown squence test * 详解cc26xx_timac_stack_release.icf文件 * 2345.com 主页劫持 * windows node 开发环境建立